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בתיה הולין

חלום. שבר.

בתיה הולין, ההולכת בשבילים, סיפור החיים בעוטף עזה

מבעד לעדשת המצלמה.

חיים של אופטימיות, תקווה, בניית בית וקהילה, 

שנים של רקימת החלום הסתיימו באבחה חדה אחת

בבוקרו של השבעה באוקטובר.

Lectures and

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Lectures  2024

Between Us

Lecture | 60 minutes accompanied by a presentation

In the lecture Batia takes the participants to the optimistic life, full of hope in the Western Negev.
In those days there was trust in coexistence and joint action on both sides of the fence.
About the personal story, the connection with "Mahmoud" (pseudonym) the photographer from Gaza, the production of the exhibition and the way in which the photographs, the poems and the performances met the Israeli audience on the 6th of October.

The lecture is accompanied by photographs and poems from the exhibition, and is suitable for diverse audiences, art and photography enthusiasts, modern Israeli history and people who believed (or perhaps still believe?) in coexistence.


"Dream . Fracture . "

Lecture | 60 minutes accompanied by a presentation and questions from the audience.

The story that began in "Between Us" and ends on the seventh of October through the eyes of Batia Holin, a survivor of Kfar Azza who was locked in the safe room of her home for 26 hours until she was rescued under fire by the brave Givati soldiers.
Batia's daughter, her grandchildren and her son are also survivors, in a story about the limit of the unbelievable from first hand and from an angle you have never heard before.

About the good ones who were lost, about the heroes who fought, about the children who were saved - an exciting lecture, open to questions and answers from the audience, accompanied by original photographs of her homes.

"Between Us"

Exhibition | 70 pictures and poets


The exhibition was presented at Kibbutz Nahal Oz starting in February 2023.
The exhibition of photographs by Batia Holin, who participates in the experience of the daily march around the fence of Kibbutz Kfar Azza, with the participation of Mahmoud, a resident of the Gaza Strip who shared his daily life on the other side of the fence, and Silit - a poet from Kibbutz Sa'ad.

Curator of the exhibition, Moshe Ash


For the establishment of the exhibition and its presentation, contact must be made.


"Along our paths "

Exhibition | About 25 photographs


The exhibition describes our paths in Kibbutz Kfar Azza.

The exhibition was originally presented at Kibbutz Kfar Azza Club. After surviving the The seventh of October, the exhibition was moved in December 2023 to the "Water Tower" gallery in Kibbutz Shefayim.

For the establishment of the exhibition and its presentation, contact must be made.

"Dream . Fracture . "

Exhibition | 12 high quality photographs and 18 photographs displayed in "light boxes" and divided into 2 rooms.


The exhibition was presented throughout the month of February 2024 at the "HaMqar" gallery, Tel Aviv and received extensive coverage in the various media.

The presentation of the exhibition, which combines high-quality prints and photos in light boxes, is very special and unconventional and succeeds in bringing to visual expression the dream and the fracture and is the fruit of the thought and creation of the curator Moshe Ash.
These days the exhibition is being shown around the world  Berlin, Rome, Milan, Venice, New York, San Diego and more.

For the establishment of the exhibition and its presentation, contact must be made.


"Will somebody please answer our messages, already?"

Exhibition | 14 performances by Israeli artists


The exhibition that Batia curated in collaboration with Moshe Ash, and  her work participated in the exhibition, was presented in December 2023 at the "HaMkaar" gallery, Tel Aviv.
The exhibition featured WhatsApp messages that were passed on the seventh of October in Kibbutz Kfar Azza. The messages tell of the terror and helplessness that existed that day in Kfar Azza.
14 leading creators presented at the exhibition:
Yoni Ben Shalom, Ido Barel, Eldad Ziv, Ze'ev Shushka Engelmeier, Yossi Lemel, Haim Sokol, Hila Shelag, David Isaacs, Rakfat Wiener-Omer, Sharon Pazner, Dina Hoffman, Baruch Drashman, TOY BOY and Batia Holin.

The exhibition was dismantled at the end of January 2024, the works were returned to their creators.

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